For legal Industries and lawyers offices
Custom skill development
For Doctors offices, clinics, hospitals and dentists
Custom skill development
For apartment complex, property developers and home owners
Custom Skill Development, Smart home skill development, Alexa for residential
For Hotels
Custom Skill development, Alexa for Hospitality
“Hey Alexa, Start the Meeting.”
The benefits of integrating Alexa for business are endless and are not limited to: making company information easily accessible to employees, voice commands that trigger business process automations, getting assistance carrying out a business process that will result in remarkable time savings. Get a quick flash briefing for specific information related to your company such as stock price updates, new orders, or meetings set for the day. Employees can effortlessly order medical records, find the nearest printer, or the definition of a term used in your organization. Alexa can even run your conference calls, “Hey, Alexa, start the meeting”. You can even reduce your employee count by harnessing Alexa as a virtual employee to do tasks like pulling records for an upcoming deposition. Break ground in the artificial intelligence realm and gain back precious time and improve everyday functions - you won’t be sorry that you did!

Use Case
e-Filling Process Automation
We built a Custom Alexa Skill in python to automate the e-Filing process for one of our Law Firms. Initially, this process required a paralegal to: convert documents from .docx to .pdf, login to an online web application, and follow variable guidelines based on the county that the filing belonged to in order to submit an electronic filing. Each filing costs money, and if any mistakes were made, the paralegal must re-file the document and pay the fee again. The paralegal now files these documents by having a conversation with Alexa, who then does the heavy lifting.
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